VLE Special Website design only 2000 INR
Dear VLE this is offer only register vle under csc , I will design your website with best price ,the domain provide by Diginame under csc the best price domain like .in,.co.in, org.in etc. You can also purchase hosting from diginame some extra feature are available on our portal . And most important we provide […]
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Low price domain
Domain ? A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and for application-specific naming and addressing purposes. we associated with csc platform on Diginame they provide very low cost price domain like .in .co.in .org.in […]
Slot Available Notification on Paytm
Dear Paytm User you find your covid vaccination center and availability on your paytm App. Open Paytm app on Android or iOS device. Scroll down to Mini App Store section. You should see the Vaccine Finder option here. If not, tap on All and then tap on the COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment banner. Alternatively, you can also find Vaccine Finder option under Discover […]
Domain offer for vles
Domain offer upto 50% discount on booking , CSC Provide domain through Diginame .
Gaon Gaon Scheme
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) announced ‘Gaon Gaon’ Scheme that provides a 50% discount on .IN/.भारत domains, valid till May 14, 2021. The scheme is open to all Indians residing in villages who want to buy a domain for their business or any other purposes. NIXI is a not for profit Organization under section 8 […]